Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Energy in the future.

Nowadays scientists are looking for the new sources of energy that will replace gasoline, oil, and natural gas. It will be a new period in energy developing. Energy will become more strong and ecologically clean. Alternative energy is our FUTURE.
There is a scientific definition of alternative energy: "Alternative energy is an umbrella term that refers to any source of usable energy intended to replace fuel sources without the undesired consequences of the replaced fuels." It is a very difficult definition; in other words, it is just a replacement of current energy.
There are some concepts of alternative energy: Floating wind farms, biogas digestion, biomass briquettes, helioculture (removes carbon dioxide from the air as a feedstock for the fuel) and biological hydrogen production. Wind is a source of ecological energy for future. Other types of alternative energy are developing in chemistry. Synthesizing of some types of fuel results in appearance of the energy of future. Essentially, the alternative energy will be used in transportation: the planes, cars, ships or space vehicles. Perhaps, alternative energy will make our life better, but we should not forget about rational usage of future energy.


How you can save energy.

We cannot live without energy. Energy is everywhere; but imagine that some day energy will disappear. It will be chaos. Therefore we should begin to save energy right now. There are a lot of ways to save energy.
1. Turn off the lights and all electronics when we don't use it.
2. Use microwave instead of the oven.
3. Set your home’s thermostat a few degrees lower
4. Use washing machine, dryer... after 8 p.m.
5. Different energy programs can help you to use energy more effective.
Some of these ways can help you to save not only energy but also money. Our world is being destroyed now and each family can save it.


Energy in Russia

Russia is a big country with vast area for developing of energy. Energy plays a very important role in Russian economy and economic sectors: in the industrial, agricultural, commercial, and government sectors.
Natural gas holds a central place in the economy of Russia. Russia has 49 billion cubic meters of gas. It is 35 percent of the world's total. IT is an essential resource for exchange. It brings essential income to the Russian treasury. Therefore the gas companies are the richest.
oil holds the second place. Russia ranks the third place on the petroleum reserves after The USA and Saudi Arabia. Approximately, our country has 8-10 billion tons of oil.
Coal is too very important recourse for Russia. This recourse is very hard to get. In the past years, coal was the basic fuel for Russian industry. Nowadays Russia has about 200 billion tons of coal.
These energy resources help our country survive, and Russian government spend a lot of money on exploring this energy.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life without energy.

You are in the place full of darkness. You can not work, cook or do anything else. This is Chaos. This is life without energy.
We can not live without energy. The electricity give the life for us. We even don't think that some people live without electricity and that it is possible. There are 1.5 billion people in the world who don't have access to electricity. Generally, such people live in Africa. This is a very big problem of humanity. It destroys life of poor people. Without energy people can't get energy, they don't have good conditions for life, people can't raise a family. As for health, it may be good to live without energy. But people die without energy and this situation go worse from year to year. People should find a solution to save billions of people.
"This is the stark reality for billions of poor people."


Thursday, March 25, 2010

California offshore wind energy potential.

The wind generators were invented in the 19th century and now it is one of the safest way of getting energy. It may preserve environment and help to get a lot of electricity for a city or country. California is a state where people try to get energy without environmental damage. For that they use wind generators. In California offshore, wind generators are very popular. They are located near the shoers, where water is not deep (see the picture above). Thanks to this, about 400-450GW (gigawatt) of electric energy can be derived daily. This is enough to provide a village with energy. The Cape Mendocino is one of the best places for getting electricity. "A single proposed wind farm near Cape Mendocino could deliver an average 800MW of gross renewable power..."(Dvorak Michael J, Archer Cristina L, Jacobson Mark Z, 2010, p1244-1254) Thanks to the low gassing, carbon, the offshore wind generators protect the environment. In present time, the government provide tax remissions for ecologically safety energy.

Dvorak, Michael J, Archer, Cristina L, Jacobson, Mark Z,Renewable Energy: An International Journal; Jun2010, Vol. 35 Issue 6, p1244-1254, 11p