Thursday, March 25, 2010

California offshore wind energy potential.

The wind generators were invented in the 19th century and now it is one of the safest way of getting energy. It may preserve environment and help to get a lot of electricity for a city or country. California is a state where people try to get energy without environmental damage. For that they use wind generators. In California offshore, wind generators are very popular. They are located near the shoers, where water is not deep (see the picture above). Thanks to this, about 400-450GW (gigawatt) of electric energy can be derived daily. This is enough to provide a village with energy. The Cape Mendocino is one of the best places for getting electricity. "A single proposed wind farm near Cape Mendocino could deliver an average 800MW of gross renewable power..."(Dvorak Michael J, Archer Cristina L, Jacobson Mark Z, 2010, p1244-1254) Thanks to the low gassing, carbon, the offshore wind generators protect the environment. In present time, the government provide tax remissions for ecologically safety energy.

Dvorak, Michael J, Archer, Cristina L, Jacobson, Mark Z,Renewable Energy: An International Journal; Jun2010, Vol. 35 Issue 6, p1244-1254, 11p


  1. Nice blog. Wind energy conservation is very interesting. I'm curious as to how they harvest energy from the wind.

  2. Energy is one thing we cannot do without.We have used energy all our lives,and are still dependent on it.I know that it has served our purpose for last million years and still serve the purpose.The question now is what if it is not here any more,and the other source of energy we aquire did not work as expected.We should never hope for the worst,but is good to think about if it does not work.
