Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Energy in the future.

Nowadays scientists are looking for the new sources of energy that will replace gasoline, oil, and natural gas. It will be a new period in energy developing. Energy will become more strong and ecologically clean. Alternative energy is our FUTURE.
There is a scientific definition of alternative energy: "Alternative energy is an umbrella term that refers to any source of usable energy intended to replace fuel sources without the undesired consequences of the replaced fuels." It is a very difficult definition; in other words, it is just a replacement of current energy.
There are some concepts of alternative energy: Floating wind farms, biogas digestion, biomass briquettes, helioculture (removes carbon dioxide from the air as a feedstock for the fuel) and biological hydrogen production. Wind is a source of ecological energy for future. Other types of alternative energy are developing in chemistry. Synthesizing of some types of fuel results in appearance of the energy of future. Essentially, the alternative energy will be used in transportation: the planes, cars, ships or space vehicles. Perhaps, alternative energy will make our life better, but we should not forget about rational usage of future energy.


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