Saturday, April 3, 2010

Energy is Air pollution

At times, people inventing new types of energy don't think about pollution; but it is a really big problem in our days. Global warming, contamination of water, and air pollution harm our environment. In this post, I would like to tell about the problem of air pollution. Nuclear power plants are not only a good source of energy, but also a source of pollution, mostly air pollution. Air pollution brings big discomfort for people: a lot of diseases, acid rain, and destruction of nature. For example, In Gong Kong, pollution level is the highest in the world, and a lot of people suffer because of it. A lot of hazardous substances are dropped into atmosphere. One of them is CO2(carbon dioxide), which is a cause of global warming. Eventually, in The USA about 4.6 millions people have problems with health because of air pollution. The government tries to do something to improve this situation: construction of new ecological plants, or exploring of new technologies. The scientists predicted that in future air pollution can achieve a critical point, and acid rain can destroy everything. Therefore we should struggle with this problem now to avoid bad consequences in future.

Newspaper: Science daily, 2009, p. 23

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