Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"The Use of Energy" by Wendell Berry

"The Use of Energy" is an unusual essay which makes us to remember about past times, when people, not having high technology, could have agriculture and housekeep. In this essay we can see good comparison between past time and present time. People begin to forget about time when people lived without the computers, cars, electricity, and other equipment; the author involves us to this topic and makes to think about it. For instance, Wendell Berry tells about agriculture in that time; people didn’t have special vehicles to farm, but it wasn’t impediment for people. Now agriculture is more easier occupation; we have all equipments. According to Wendell Berry, to use a team of horse or mules or oxen is more difficult than to use a tractor, and it is more difficult to learn to manage an animal (Wendell Berry,(1986), p. 92, 93). This is really veracious statement. An animal is like a person, and we should care about animal. As for machines, they don’t need it. Today we don’t get use to live without technologies, it is impossible for us. But not all people use technologies. Amish are people who disown high technology. Perhaps, it is one people who don’t use it, and it deserves a respect. Not every person can do it. Technology is our life. We can not live without it even one day, and, unfortunately, we begin to forget our past and life without technologies.
I can but agree with Wendell Berry. Of course, a growth of technology is important for our life, but we shouldn’t merge fully to it. I think, sometimes we should reject computers or cars and remember how perfectly to live without technologies.

Wendell Berry, (1986), The Use of Energy(chapter six).

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