Saturday, April 3, 2010

Nuclear plants can stimulate the US economy.

"Nuclear plants are the most capital-intensive investments made in the utility sector, and they produce millions of times more power in terms of energy flux density than any other power source. "(Marsha Freeman, 2009, p. 42)
Nuclear energy is the good way to overcome the crisis. Nowadays 104 nuclear plants are inside the US, including 28 new plants. Nuclear energy is a very important resource for the USA, but furthermore, it is very dangerous. One nuclear plant can produce 600 millions megawatt energy hourly, but misoperation of nuclear system can destroy everything, how it was in Chernobyl. Here there was Chernobyl Atomic Power Station where in April of 1986 the reactor blew up. It was dreadful accident.
The nuclear energy is used by people in the future projects, for instance, fuel for a space vehicle. After a thirty-year break, the US government resumed the construction of nuclear plants to stabilize the economy and get more energy. It is obvious that the government don't forget about the protection of nature, because nuclear plants are one of the most environmentally unfriendly thing. Millions of dollars are spent on the developing of new ecological reactors for plants.
If the scientists develop nuclear technology, The USA will not have lack of energy.

Marsha Freeman, Spring 2009, Magazine "21st Century Science & Technology", p.42-49


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