Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nuclear Power Generation in California, 1965 through 2005, Million Kilowatt Hours

California is really amazing “energy” state. I was surprised when I recognized about many generators in this state. In the my first post I told about California offshore wind generators and I was interested by it; and now I have chosen this chart to show statistics of nuclear energy generation of California plants from 1965 to 2005 years. You can see the union statistics of these plants in California. From 1965 to 1985 only some pants were in California, therefore the level of energy was minimal. When more plants was built, electricity generation increased. Every year the changing of generation happen, because it is difficult to maintain stability of nuclear energy; but nowadays, thanks to high technology, generation energy has the highest level.
The nuclear plants are very useful for economy of the USA and for people, but also these plants are one of the most environmentally unfriendly ways of getting energy; and we should handle with care with this power.

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